Not Gone With The Wind, not intended to be either
12 November 2007
Okay, for some reason, the lead in the film belts into song before the end. You have the guys roaming around dressed like the T-Birds from Grease, seemingly out of place. You have a lot a great T%A, and a plot, that, well, has been done before.

Gas Pump Girls, much like Incoming Freshman, and much of the 1970's sex comedy drive in flicks, are in their own category. They aren't meant to be the greatest film ever made. They are made on the cheap, and to entertain, and they do just that. I'm willing to bet that one reviewer who commented on this film has never seen it. Gas Pump Girls is a great sex comedy, better then any of the sex comedies made to. The ones made today go direct to DVD, and seem to have a cookie-cutter direction to them. You can merge one to the other.

That's different from Gas Pump Girls, Incoming Freshman, or H.O.T.S. The plots may have been the same, but there were always suttle differences. I really wish these flicks, these lost 70's gems, would find their way to DVD.
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