If fairy tales move you you will love it. If you like Björk you will love it. If you don't like slow, sad movies this is nothing for you.
4 December 2007
This is a truly beautiful movie!

I'm a movie maniac AND also a big Björk fan. I got to know this movie only through Björk but I think that it's really great.

The movie really feels like a fairytale (it is based on one). The feeling of it is just fantastic, the black & white creates a special atmosphere and I love the actors, not only Björk is grandiose in it! The unique Icelandic accent makes it very special to me (I'm Austrian). The story is VERY sad but at an extreme high artistic level I never expected from this little pearl.

It is it really worth to buy it on DVD.

Do it even if you like only Björk! You won't regret it. Björk is simply fantastic in it. She creates a huge part of the offered atmosphere. Support this movie, it's a masterpiece and I don't know anything similar to it's unique style.

It's not only a fairytale, it's more... enjoy it!

And something else: You can hear Björk singing even pretty often in the movie, one more reason to get it!

I gave it 9/10 here on IMDb. It's a pity it isn't well-known.

If you want to see one the best movies ever check out Dancer in the Dark (WITH BJÖRK). That one is probably the saddest movie I've ever seen. It's HEART RIPPING, so watch out. I think this is the only movie ever that me cry. Lars von Trier created with Dancer in the Dark such a great masterpiece it's nearly unbelievable. And I tell you, that one is really hard and worth gold.

Hey, if you enjoyed Juniper Tree and like Björk, let me know please!
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