The Screaming Woman (1972 TV Movie)
The scariest times of my 2nd nd 3rd grade years
8 December 2007
Someone hit it on the head when they talked about the dirt caked on the woman's face. It made her look like a monster herself! When the side views of her were on screen I was so scared, I would hide my face against the couch and it was like somehow I could magically still see the horror of it. She looked 500 years old with the dirt! And the moaning, "Helllllp Meeeeeeee" over and over. Id love to see it again now, Im sure like many movies that used to scare me it would seem much tamer now, but anyway, it was so good to find any reference to this movie from my long ago, that I've never met anyone who has seen it. I guess this will be my last post on here. I'm not sure that I can always write ten lines about everything I've seen, and I hate taking the time to apostrophe words when I am typing on the internet. This was an incredibly scary movie to me when I was 7-8 years old but I didn't have 10 lines of material prepared for it, so I guess I will just be enjoying everyone else's posts about obscure movies that I thought I was the only one who had seen it. Anyway, Thanks for listening, and hopefully I have 10 lines and no apostrophe errors, goodnight.
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