Review of Skidoo

Skidoo (1968)
Truly one of a kind
5 January 2008
Retired gangster Tony (Jackie Gleason) who's married to Flo (Carol Channing!!) is brought out of retirement by God (Groucho Marx--yes THAT Groucho Marx) to rub out Packard (Mickey Rooney). Problem is Packard is in prison. They're going to sneak Tony in so he can do the job.

The plot is pretty straightforward but this movie gives some characters astonishing names, throws in VERY 60s designs and clothes, tons of unfunny lines and plot twists to show how "with it" the directors and such were. This was made when old Hollywood was at a loss at what attracted teenagers to movies like "Easy Rider". So they got all these old directors and actors and wrote scripts that were totally abysmal and made zero sense (old Hollywood thought "Easy Rider" was pointless--it isn't). This is one of those movies. What's wrong with it? Where to start? It's impossible to list everything that happens in this train wreck (worse than Britney Spears) but here are a few high and low lights: Carol Channing trying to seduce Frankie Avalon; God trying to seduce young teenage Darlene; tons of dated dialogue showing how peaceful and loving hippies are (sigh); John Phillip Law playing a hippie named Stash--he deserves credit for keeping a straight face while giving out the most nonsensical dialogue ever heard in a movie; the great George Raft reduced to playing a skipper on a boat; Gleason having an LSD trip which is a true jaw dropper; Richard Kiel as a prison guard; Law giving a code message over the phone (OK--THAT scene is great!); an entire prison spaced out on LSD; Burgess Meredith as a warden; Peter Lawford as a senator (figures--he was married to a Kennedy) and a Garbage Pail number which will have you questioning your sanity. There's more but those hit me.

The acting--well who can tell? The movie is all over the place. Still Gleason is actually pretty good and Channing chews the scenery. Marx (in his last theatrical role) was, sadly, pretty terrible as God. He doesn't even get any jokes to crack! The movie goes barreling over the edge at the end with Channing singing the title song (which is admittedly pretty catchy) and ALL the closing credits are sung! This is a one of a kind motion picture. Yeah it's terrible--a bunch of older actors/producers/directors trying (in vain) to prove how "hip" they are. Still, you can't stop watching and I was never bored for one minute. I just sat there in amazement watching the movie unfold. Truly a camp classic and a 10 all the way! This NEEDS a DVD transfer! Paramount is probably ashamed of it--they let TCM show it but they gave them a full frame print and it played early in the morning. Look--if we can get jaw-droppers like the 1980 musical "The Apple" out there we can get this! See it if you get the chance. Trust me--you'll be amazed!
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