Review of Lucky Star

Lucky Star (2007–2008)
The follow-up to Haruhi Suzumiya. Good or bad?
31 December 2007
With a staggering amount of hype and fanbase circulating Kyoto Animation's next project, stress must have been huge for them. Especially when the voice actress for Suzumiya Haruhi is taking a role for Lucky Star. So it has come down to a simple question; Lucky Star - good or bad? Without a shadow of a doubt, Lucky Star is one of the anime that stood out in 2007. Heck, it's the Azumanga Daioh for 2007. What we have here, is a story focusing a group of 4 high-school students and their daily lives. Meeeh, sounds boring isn't it? Well, it's not.

Story - Just like i've said earlier, there isn't any, to be honest. The plot lean heavily towards japan otaku culture as there are many reference/parody with Kyoto Animation's earlier productions. It could also be viewed negatively since some with limited amount of understanding towards otaku culture wouldn't find it funny, to say the least.

Character - The series' main highlight, is the prime otaku Konata Izumi, which is also voiced by Aya Hirano who did Suzumiya Haruhi. With a considerable amount of nonsensical knowledge about anime, doujinshi and video games. It has certainly made up quite the irony for her to have an athletic body. Along with her satirical jokes towards her friends, the character has generated quite some commotion among anime fans.

Moe is definitely sky-high with the presence of Miyuki Takara, a polite, friendly glasses-wearing girl with almost complete knowledge just about anything. That's about it on her good side. I find the majority of scenes consisting her to be absurdly boring, since she's always explaining tedious facts to the dumbfounded aka Konata.

The other 2 characters consists of Kagami Hiiragi and Tsukasa Hiiragi; a fraternal twin. The elder one which is Kagami is your stereotype tsundere, while the younger Tsukasa is often described as an airhead who always can't keep up with the conversation and frequently hinted in the series as a naive person.

Music - I believe everyone's first impression towards the opening theme is Suzumiya Haruhi's ending theme. A catchy j-pop with some eurodance elements combined with a dance scene with the main characters. Both themes has been parodied more than a thousand times by media or fans. The BGM is fairly decent, one that stood-out for me is the one being played at Episode 22. I don't wanna give away too much for those who is still behind this series.

Animation - Can't give too many compliments for this area, as the animation is as simple as it gets. The main characters are drawn quite nicely and with detail, but the backgrounds are mainly consists of black/blue figures. Though i might say that this fits the anime perfectly.

Overall - It is definitely a great comeback by Kyoto Animation after their big hit. Although it has some really tedious, dragged out conversations; Lucky Star has its moments, and some which is undeniably funny. This is one anime that doesn't rely on exaggerated sword fights and epic mecha/robot battles for a big audience. However, if you're interested in the latter, look elsewhere.

A solid 7/10.
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