Review of Sugar Baby

Sugar Baby (1985)
$, The Sign of the Beast? 4
21 January 2008
Thsi is an excellent film. You will enjoy the ride, if you like sex, roll and subway stations: the plot is simple. A woman falls in for the train conductor while knowing that she is a fat, over-weight persona. Her aura is splendid though and the conductor falls in for the German: intriguing scenes include the calculus used for the regulations of the train: the workers inside calculations for the work, very difficile work, they do. The train conductor is a fit, young professional. The swimmer, the German, is an obsessed persona looking for sugar, hence the tittle -Sugarbaby-. This art movie, not to be confused with technical films of mental -Altered States- or mechanical reproduction, was made close to the end of the Cold War between the two Hemispheres: the West and the East. It was made in Germany but I am not certain which Germany - in any case there is a cameo of the infamous -Luxemburg- station, the second most reputed m'etro station in Europe. You will enjoy it.
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