The climax(es) to an emotional journey one could only dream of
22 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film which, for me, picked itself right up through its very clever final scene which could easily have been quite, for want of a better word, cliché. 'I woke up and it was all a dream' is in no way an appropriate way to talk of the ending and/or plot of 'comment j'ai tué mon père'. The lead up to the revelation of the genuine nature of the letter received by Jean-Luc explaining his father's death is played immensely well, and the development of the plot throughout the film in the lead up to Maurice's 'imaginary' death gives nothing away.

The result of this 'dream like' or imaginary plot that makes up almost the entirety of the film results in us having not one, but two major climaxes in the film; the first being the strangling of Maurice by his son, and the second being the revelation that Maurice was indeed dead as was said at the beginning of the film. These two climaxes occur so close together that maximum impact is definitely achieved. The dramatic strangling of Maurice is then superseded by the realisation that the events of the film have in fact been a figure of Jean-Luc's imagination; an untold story that flashes through his mind in a split second.

The film is brimming with emotion, and is clearly seen on the faces of every character; the short 'diary room'-style, very personal 'interviews' with Patrick give us even further insight into the impact of Maurice's arrival upon the lives of his sons, and give the film a much greater dimension. I do think that the depth of emotion in the film can sometimes slow the film down, however this does heighten the impact of the 'second climax'. I feel that by slowing the film down, the final revelation proves even more shocking as with the relatively slow plot, we have become maybe too comfortable with where we think the film is going.

'Comment j'ai tué mon père' is a great film, which manages very well to surprise without falling into the 'cliché' trap. It could sometimes feel slow, however this was more than made up for by its very clever twist, both written and acted superbly.
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