Review of Ransom!

Ransom! (1956)
A Must See Movie
27 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I would say this is a particularly fine film that I stumbled upon and now watch whenever its on. That is very rare for a drama. Comedies, even bad ones, and sometimes musicals or sci-fi easily catch me and make me watch, A drama has a harder row to hoe.

Glenn Ford is rock steady and complex. Donna Reed has equal depth and has a mother's passion that is missing from many portrayals of mothers in the 50's. Her reaction the school principal worried about bad press for her school is deeply satisfying on a gut level. You feel that you wanted to do the same thing. Other movies have shown uncharacteristic restraint by its cast. People, even mothers, get angry and lash out at morons. Ford shows the same anger bubbling much deeper in his televised "discussion" with the kidnappers/terrorists.

A special mention must be paid to Juano Hernandez who is excellent as the butler who loves the family in his own way with quiet loyalty and respect which they share for him. Be sure to catch him in "Intruder in the Dust". Weird title that makes it sound like western but is far more interesting and unusual than an oater.

One strange thing that I don't hear mentioned is the bother's (Ainslie Pryor) reaction to the whole thing. To me, he seems to have far more vested in paying the ransom than a loving uncle. I get the feeling he helped plan the kidnapping and wants his brother to pay off. When that doesn't happen, he is not supportive but still tries to get him to change his mind. Strange. Maybe he gave the mother the newspaper so she would turn against Ford, then takes her in when she leaves him. His whole role in this movie seems to be in getting money paid. Maybe I'm too suspicious.
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