A Wonderful Small Film
14 February 2008
The dysfunctional family drama is such an easily forgettable sub-genre that it is certainly a joy when a film like DOG IN A SIDECAR comes along, proving that you can make a thoughtful, entertaining film without insulting the audience's intelligence. Providing a strong foundation of strong acting, skilled direction and intelligent writing, this admittedly small but very rewarding film is excellent viewing, showing the ups and downs of a family in a way that never seems forced or contrived. Hana Matsumoto is extraordinary as 10 year old Kaoru, who suddenly has to get used to a new way of life when her mother walks out on her family. Things seem to get stranger when Yoko (Yuko Takeuchi, who is excellent)turns up on her doorstep, who has become her father's new lover. What could have been a typical family comedy/drama turns into something quite different, as director Kichitaro Negishi concentrates on the small details of Kaoru's new situation, making for a fresh, involving film. As we see Yoko and Kaoru's father's relationship develop, we can also see why Kaoru's mother left in the first place. DOG IN A SIDECAR is a subtle, natural film, and a complete charmer, showing you don't have to use hysterics and melodrama to convincingly portray a family who don't exactly fit the norm.
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