Watered Down Harlow
25 February 2008
Personal Property (1937)

** (out of 4)

Robert Taylor gets a job for the sheriff and his first case is babysitting for a rich woman (Jean Harlow) who recently lost her husband. This film is a remake of the 1931 movie The Man in Possession but since I haven't seen that one I can't compare the two. From what I've read this version was watered down due to the Hayes Code and that comes off true watching the film because Harlow's sexuality tries to get displayed but the screenplay keeps it at a distance. Another problem in the screenplay is that it comes off rather lazy and doesn't feature anything very original or funny for that matter. The whole joke in the second half has Taylor acting as the Butler and we get several childish jokes, which just don't work. Harlow sleepwalks through her role but then again she isn't given too much to do. Taylor doesn't come off any better and Una O'Connor is wasted in her role.
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