Bad Boy (1935)
It's a Wonderful Hustler
26 February 2008
Bad Boy (1935)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

A pool shark (James Dunn) wants to marry the love of his life (Dorothy Wilson) but her parents refuse because they believe he's nothing but a hood. To prove them wrong, the man goes out looking for a legit job but when he can't find one he starts to believe that he has nothing to live for. I guess you could call this an early version of It's a Wonderful Life as it deals with many of the same story lines. This film certainly isn't in the same league as that Capra classic but this is a worthy little effort for a 56-minute movie. This was only my second time seeing Dunn but he manages to pull off a pretty good and charming performance and Wilson is just as good. The ending is way too abrupt and out of nowhere but this is a worthy viewing.
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