18 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Alright... This movie has good special effects. Its fights are good. The acting is decent. That's about it. The story is thin, (something about aliens harvesting pollutants from Earth; to collect them they are going to blow us up. Why not just ask us? "They don't negotiate". Duh. Why have a renewable resource when you can be macho and blow stuff up?)the plot twists are about as exciting as watching grass grow, and the inaccuracies (pointed out in other comments) are glaring and decrease any sense of "it-could-happen-someday" suspense garnered from well-done movies like Aliens. I honestly don't care if it is a good "Saturday night film" (i.e., mindless violence). Why would I waste my life on it? Get this film if you are sick, extremely bored, you have no money or books, and your music player has no battery.
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