Glory Road (2006)
The Malcolm X of racial sports movies.
19 March 2008
Now yes, "Remember The Titans" is a similar story to this and I completely understand there has to be one for each sport.

But this one just had something to it that sent it down the wrong direction, a movie that should be about the uplifting story of these players was drowned out and hate took over.

The movie acts like it's brand new to have "black" starters in college, but yet JoJo White was someone they played against and he was not only an All American, he was later drafted by the Boston Celtics.

I guess it's just how they come off, as if this coach did wonderful things for "black" Athletes, but the truth is he was far from the first to start someone with a dark skin tone.

Now how I see it "Remember The Titans" is the Martin Luther King Jr. of these types of movies and Glory Road is the Malcolm X, two working for the same end result, but working in opposite directions to get it.

What we learned in "Remember The Titans" was the best player got the job, there's no difference between those kids, people are people and that's a nice way to look at it, but this movie smashed that one and looked at it as the color of your skin defines you. Which is the complete wrong message to send.

I mean the starters were only all "black" because the coach played into the race card, what about those other kids that helped them get there? They don't deserve to play because they are white, or Spanish? I don't get how that is "uplifting".

I wouldn't really recommend this movie, but Josh Lucas does a great job so do most of the students. It's just the message gets askew during the runtime that really rips what the story should have been about away and leaves you with this hateful piece of work.
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