The Rebel Set (1959)
I do not really recall seeing a rebel.
25 March 2008
I saw this film thanks to the cult show, Mystery Science 3000 where Joel and the gang riffed this caper movie and chances are that is where most people have viewed this film. It was not a super terrible film by any means, just plays out like a lot of other films, but only with worse acting and plot points. The film is titled rebel set, but there is not all that many rebels to be found here. I guess the caper is sort of rebellious, but not really. Though the film is bad I did feel for the main character who was a struggling writer and I wanted to see "Chief" get caught and get his in the end! The movie also moves at a fairly brisk pace as we have an introduction to the characters, we have the plan and then we have the caper and then we have murder on the not so orient express!

The story has a man who seems to run a nightclub where a bunch of beatniks hang out and read poetry and such. Also, three gentlemen frequent the establishment. A writer who is rather bad at his craft. A man who desperately wishes to get out of the shadow of his mother and a down on his luck actor who cannot land a job and whose wife is literally supporting the both of them. They are approached by the man who owns the club about a job that involves them robbing 1 million dollars from an armored car. So they hop a train and during a stopover in Chicago they set their plan in motion and once back on the train and seemingly successful things begin to unravel as greed begins to take over.

This made for a good episode of MST3K and it is rather funny. This film was named, "The Rebel Set" yet the characters resemble beatniks more than they do rebels. Then they riffed a film named "Beatniks" where the characters resembled rebels more so than they did beatniks! The short at the beginning of this one featuring a little boy lost at the fair was rather funny too.

So, this film is not that great, but it was not a super terrible film. I did pull for the guy who plays the Chief on Get Smart to get his in the end, but at the same time the film just seems like a mess and it totally breaks down at the end with a rather tepid chase scene that goes on for way too long and was probably added to simply pad the film. That being said, at least you could tell what was going on and had more of a plot than The Beatniks that featured rebels...
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