Thoughtful and Moving Film.
4 April 2008
The Last Days of Dolwyn is a thoughtful and moving film, which conveys its main purpose expertly. The storyline is a simple one, and concerns the flooding of a small welsh village to provide water to the inhabitants of certain towns in Lancashire, England. Emlyn Williams completes a tour-de-force as writer, director and star of this film. On all three counts he does exceptionally well, and it was no surprise that he went on to become a famous showbiz personality. His portrayal of the arrogant and selfish agent is particularly noteworthy, and he is the perfect villain of the piece. In fact, the whole cast is top notch, and there isn't a dud performance to be seen. This top quality ensemble playing does greatly enhance the film, as does the typical welsh valley scenery. However, a special mention must be made of that great actress Edith Evans, who gives a magnificent performance in the lead role. She demonstrates the art of acting at its very best, and undoubtedly brings that extra special touch of quality to this film. It's not an easy film to track down, but is well worth the effort if you can see it. Highly recommended.
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