A gloriously sleazy 70's drive-in exploitation gem
8 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sweet and naive innocent Cindy (cute redhead Debbie Osborne) is eager to learn all about the joys of sex and dope. Her brash, slutty older half-sister Donna (hot brunette Nancy Ison) sets an excellent example for Cindy to emulate with her loose and uninhibited escapades. Pretty soon Cindy gets into the swing of things: she engages in a heavy petting session with an amorous beach bum, smokes pot for the first time, and gets more intimate with her outgoing best gal pal Karen (foxy looker Cheryl Powell). Meanwhile, all is not well at home: Their bitter'n'boozy shrewish mother Harriet (deliciously overplayed with eye-rolling hammy brio by Suzy Allen) drinks herself to besotted oblivion while their henpecked pop has an adulterous affair with a luscious barely legal teenage stripper. Director Robert Anderson and writer Barry Clark really hit all the necessary seedy bases with this terrifically tawdry'n'trashy tale of adolescent angst and middle class dysfunction: we've got copious tasty female nudity, lurid soft-core sex scenes, a crude, leering, downbeat tone, excessive drug use, an incredibly dippy, yet catchy and groovy theme song, a great surprise bummer ending, and an especially bleak depiction of blue collar ennui and despair. Better still, there's a veritable avalanche of nice'n'naughty carnal activity featured throughout: standard straight copulation, lesbianism, voyeurism, masturbation, infidelity, and even a truly startling instance of father/daughter incest. Robert O. Ragland's funky score neatly alternates between jaunty bluegrass tunes and hard-burning fuzztone guitar rock noise. J. Barry Herron's rough'n'grainy cinematography further enhances the overall scuzziness. Granted, the delectable young lady leads aren't exactly the most capable actresses, but man do they look absolutely smoking in their birthday suits. A wonderfully raunchy treat.
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