High Time (1960)
Excellent 'Feel Good" movie
14 April 2008
High Time is a wonderful Bing Crosby vehicle that has a successful middle aged businessman with grown children (and a widower) indulging a whim by taking a step back in his life to get the college education he missed the first time around.

While a seeming slam dunk to be a "fish out of water" comedy, instead Crosby's character finds a way to integrate successfully with his younger classmates, learning from them as they also benefit from his experience.

The movie records a lot of the college experience as you would have found it in the 50s or early 60s. It was a more innocent, more friendly time, with school spirit, dorms, frats, cramming, and the excitement of coming back together to start each new school year.

This is a wonderful film that stands up well. Things such as fall bonfires were and still are common campus traditions. Fraternity pledging pranks ... still around. Dormitories ... still around. Hamburger/Barbecue restaurants ... still around. LOL

Is the movie a touch simple and innocent compared to modern life and modern comedy fare? Sure it is. But trust me, that is NOT a bad thing.

Sit back and enjoy this very entertaining and relaxing film.
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