Children of the Living Dead
14 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Lame-brained zombie film, with film-making duties by various participants of "Night of the Living Dead". This particular flick concerns teenagers who died in a vehicle crash over a cliff thanks to a zombie, Abbott Hayes(A Barrett Worland), who wasn't killed in a small town extermination. Hayes resurrects their corpses by biting them, and as a group they pursue live human victims as a major car dealership development is underway. The film centers of the blossoming relationship between Matthew Michaels(Damien Luvara), whose father is the head honcho behind the dealership, and Laurie Danesi(Jamie McCoy),the small town waitress. Sheriff Randolph(Marty Schiff)is in cahoots with the developers in pulling up the caskets and headstones from a cemetery burying the loved ones in a mass grave to save money. Abbott Hayes will lead his zombie troops on a raid on the diner as Michael, Laurie & Randolph hole up awaiting help from the development workers.

I think many might wish to check this one out for the opening fifteen or so minutes where make-up effects legend Tom Savini goes bad ass as a survivalist town deputy who takes out zombies singlehanded. The opening of the film resembles the close of "Night of the Living Dead" as townspeople work as an organized hunting party eradicating the walking dead with guns and rifles. Once Abbott Hayes is introduced(..first looking like a corpse, and when the film moves fourteen years later, resembles a monstrous ghoul)the film sours immediately. The screenplay is uninvolving never remaining focused with the film becoming an uneven and tedious exercise where boredom sets in like gangrene rotting away the viewer's patience..well, that's what this film felt like to me, gangrene rotting away my patience. I kept hoping that something would come from this film, but when you have dialogue this putrid with a cast equally as painful, there's no hope at all. I am not sure this will even work for the most enthusiastic zombie fan. The final showdown at the end has workers, with plenty of weapons and ammunition toiling with the zombies in hand-to-hand combat! While the fighting occurs, Abbott Hayes is shown delighting as the carnage ensues. Hayes seems to be merely in the film to wickedly grin as his minions attack pea-brained human clowns. What a travesty. Actor Bill Hinzman tries to put some energy into the photography, but that shot in the arm can do little to inject life into a film where quality whithers minute to minute. This film would've done better to follow Savini throughout the film wasting zombies rather than focus on a car dealership development and the dull relations of a would-be couple.

Savini and some minor moments of zombie gore lift this to 2 stars instead of 1.
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