Review of The Mist

The Mist (2007)
So bad I had to tell you about it
16 April 2008
I read a lot of reviews before going to see this movie, good and bad and I took them at face value. Now I am convinced the good reviews are nearly all fake. I feel cheated, so here is a real review.

I really like Stephen King and I was looking forward to an unusual story with a couple twists and turns. It's unusual for sure, but the plot wears thin very quickly, as we quickly learn there isn't one, other than that the cast are trapped in a supermarket surrounded by a bizarre mist and outside there are creepy crawlies who kill people mercilessly if they come outside.

The point of story (I think) is to show how mob mentality develops and how a scared crowd will follow anybody who can explain something terrifying they don't understand. In actual fact the characters are just way too over the top to suspend disbelief. The silly arguments just add to the tedium, and on occasion they are so contrived they provoke laughter.

The tempo is slow and there were plenty of yawns from the audience. For those who stick it out, there is a twist at the end, and it's never been done before (with good reason), but frankly, it doesn't do the story any favours. The ending is just too bad to describe. Go and see this movie if you are a fan of bad horror flicks. If you are looking for a story with a moral or a point then this is definitely not for you.
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