Review of 100 Million BC

100 Million BC (2008 Video)
Ready For Reuse
21 April 2008
Watching this made me wonder. When a movie isn't good enough to keep me in the movie, my mind wanders to matters about the experience. I am free to explore the world surrounding the movie. Regular readers ask me why I bother. I seem to watch a lot of movies that I report as a waste of time.

Well, they are, and this one is. But this one made me think that we are not far away from the time that ordinary people can make inexpensive movies with effects, and have them be good. No, this one isn't good, and the effects aren't either. But what they've tried with apparently zero talent is pretty ambitious — and its impressive how far they got.

For me, what this indicates is that soon we will have films on the web that are pretty decent — perhaps as decent as much of what is in theaters and on TeeVee. Not you-tube cleverness, but long form compositions, which despite its other weaknesses, this actually pulls off. This all became possible because so much of the cinematic vocabulary is set, and we do use clichés and things much like them. This one dabbles in a few, but thankfully avoids a common one:

There are two women who are sent back in time, and who end up battle a dino. They aren't babes. They aren't stereotypical in any way. They are attractive in this context, despite being as bad at acting as the men. Because they are attractive simply because they are allowed to be human.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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