Strictly awful
22 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Like so many movies involving Ezio Pinza, this one is terrible. All of his movies are contrived to the enth degree and bear absolutely no relation whatsoever to real life. This guy could sing but he could not act. I've seen better actors in high school plays.

And like so many of Pinza's efforts, this one is pure cornball. He and Janet Leigh break their romance and part. Then they just happen to go into the same movie theater at about the same time. They just happen to see one another in a crowded dark theater. He just happens to break out into song in the theater and sweeps the lady off her feet. Come on, this is hokum at its worst.

This is my second well-thought out analysis of a Pinza movie, the other being the horrendous Mr.Imperium, which I would encourage you to read before you decide to watch that movie. Fare like this could easily turn one into a movie hater. That would be a shame since there are many good movies out there. This certainly isn't one of them.
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