a fine biopic
10 May 2008
On reading Joan Haslip's biography of Madame du Barry, I was quite happy to guess the names of certain characters (such as Madame de Gramont), since the movie only comes out in French. I personally think it is a nice movie, though cut very short! Martine Carol was very good in the role, having a happy-go-lucky bubbly personality, using childish coy to attract the king, although her seductive side, though a very important asset as role of Louis XV's last mistress, was but non-existent (considering it is a 1954 movie!).

The costumes were nice, although considering how du Barry was always pompous and up-to-date with fashion, could have had at least a few more wigs! Still, since it is the only movie I could find about her, it is brilliant!!!
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