Review of He & She

He & She (1967–1968)
The Seinfeld of the Sixties
14 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the funniest, most off-beat and intelligent sitcoms of the 1960's. In many ways it pre-dates the type of comedy done many years later in "Seinfeld". It was a show that relied on characterization rather than plot. Through the talents of the writers and actors each week we were drawn into the the world of a young married couple Dick and Paula Hollister and their crazy neighbors played by some of the great comic talents of the time like Kenneth Mars (Franz in the original film of "The Producers") and in a virtually scene stealing role every time he appeared, the great Jack Cassidy as Oscar North. That is saying something as the ensemble was terrific and the leads, real-life husband and wife, Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss were wonderful. One of the first scenes in the series was classic and very telling for the tenor and humor of the show. Dick and Paula come in their bedroom to go to sleep. They are off-stage coming on-stage chatting. First you see Paula enter, just wearing what seems to be a man's pajama tops revealing her sexy legs. (A quick assumption that it is Dick's) and then Dick enters-- also wearing only pajama tops; revealing his (ugh) legs. Quirky and unique. Well written, acted and directed. So far ahead of it's time. I've seen it once in a while on cable shows like Nick at Night. It still holds up well. Do catch it if you can.
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