As much as you'd expect it
23 May 2008
Alright, so it isn't fair. In an era where the people on their early thirties are granted constant revivals of everything that defined their youth (Blade Runner, Star Wars, forty-year-old bands meeting together and performing on stage again), Indiana Jones was really the last straw. Over the years, the mouthwatering prospect of seeing another Jones film made us sniff every hint of a rumor and every shred of news related with it. It finally has arrived, with a mammoth-size ball of hype on its shoulders. Let's admit that nothing on Earth could ever satisfy such a monster. So after we face it, let's get to the facts. It certainly is another age, and the filmmakers know that. We are not in an era of gaudy excess and over-the-top sequences. The days of campy, slick humor and faster-than-you-can-have-it action seem to be gone. And it's no wonder. Never forget that in the last ten years Steven Spielberg dedicated himself to much more serious fare, with very mixed results. As a result, Indy's much more dark and slow. He faces different kinds of problems and challenges, his reactions are different. He's starting to give in. But then again, the man is 67! Therefore, it seems logic that he no longer is the one-man-army he used to be. It's perfectly natural that he relies much more on his wits that on his fists. But don't let my word fool you: the movie has action, lots of it. What's really ironic is that the things that should help the movie in this age of digital possibilities are the things that cram it with unbelievability. It really bugs me that they achieved a film look that is up to par the 80's originals and then goes the "King Kong" way with CGI jungle scenes that completely take the realism out of it. It's a great statement of how computer images are starting to get really cheesy when they're made in quantity and not in quality (Mutt's vine-swinging anyone?). But to dismiss this movie as trash is to be cruelly unfair. It is a worthy successor to the original movies, and a truckload of fun. Yes, maybe they could have gone deeper with their main theme, yes it sometimes succumb to the George Lucas school of "do it in CGI", but it doesn't sacrifice the heart and soul of this movie. You just have to take it lightly and not like the violation of something holy. The new Star Wars trilogy proved that you can't take things too seriously. If even so you will choose to remain glued to the past and don't accept that Indy also ages, then you will be very annoyed. Everyone else will have a blast.
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