Naturalistic Taiwanese drama
23 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those strange cheap Taiwan made films (best known under the title (Vengeance of the Snow Maid) that try to combine kung fu (except that no one actually seems to be able to actually fight) with a simple drama of a daughter looking for the father who tricked her mother, who became pregnant and died vowing revenge and leaving her daughter to the care of possibly one of the ugliest on-screen mothers ever filmed (an unfortunate Tiu Shut). Chen Chen stars at the beautiful daughter opposite Wu Chia Chi. Got Siu Bo is the only bit actor I recognised, though several of the Taiwanese actresses are very attractive. It seems to be so cheaply made that especially when filming in the rather nice countryside they seem to have used a hand held camera. My print is rather dark, not helped by some of it being filmed at night. At the end all is resolved though not everyone ends up happy. The fights are poor and not well staged, relying too much on tricks and angles. This isn't really worth watching except to see the countryside and the pretty lead (who somehow starred in a lot of films).
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