Scenes of England After the War
31 May 2008
This is one of many of James A. FitzPatrick's travelogues. Starting in Liverpool, we are shown quite a few boats around the Liverpool docks. FitzPatrick does mention that Liverpool was heavily bombed during the war, but we see no evidence of any of the bombing there. He does mention how Liverpool was a port involved in the slave trade — ships leaving to Africa and coming back from the West Indies with sugar and rum.

I wish this was closed captioned - I believe the next city shown is Chester, which has an ancient road that was used by the Romans. What is shown of Chester looks like what many would imagine what a city in England looks like — white buildings with dark woodwork.

The next city, Coventry, was heavily damaged during the war. FitzPatrick does show much of the damage from the war - grasses and weeds growing were buildings were standing a decade earlier. In the middle of looking at all of the destruction, FitzPatrick does mention Lady Godiva before showing the rubble of a bombed out factory. Since this was done 4 years after World War II, FitzPatrick does talk about the potential for the next war to be the end of the world as we know it.

A few monuments, including Warwick Castle, we finally make it to Stratford and Shakespeare's life and some of the buildings associated with him.
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