Decent Short
20 June 2008
Folie du Docteur Tube, La (1915)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Strange, early French film from director Abel Gance has a mad scientist creating some sort of white powder, which he, his dog, his assistant and a couple others take and then start to see strange objects. I'm really not sure if the white powder is suppose to be something like cocaine but that's the impression I got and I guess I'd go even further as to say this is an early "strange trip" type of film. Apparently the only reason this was made was so that Gance could try new things with the camera. The film has all sorts of strange images, the type of stuff you'd expect to see in a funhouse. Various tricks are done with mirrors in order to make things appear smaller or out of shape. The film certainly has a surreal quality to it and I respect the attempt to do something new but in the end the film feels long even at only eleven-minutes.
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