The director tried too hard
21 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The attempt here was to do a gritty space opera epic, written in multiple parts (this is a sequel, and the DVD promises another one forthcoming) and while this can be done (see the *original* Star Wars) well given the right talent and experience, it was not to be the case here.

I think the failure lies in the director trying to do more than he is capable of. Case in point: There is supposed to be pre-mission camaraderie amongst the soldiers at the local bar, but the director gave no motivation to the cast, and probably told them to "just wing it." The trouble with "just winging it" is legion, the acting becomes flat, the dialogue is stilted, the acting forced and rather than add to the film, it becomes a throwaway scene.

Sadly, most of the film is like this, throwaway scene after throwaway scene, until you are left with dis-jointed bits that may work for ~30 seconds or so, but can not, indeed, will not, ever make for a good movie.

Perhaps the director was following in Uwe Boll's footsteps and make spoof films on someone elses money, I'm not certain as there were no extras on the DVD giving insight into the motivation of the cast and/or crew, much less the director. Instead, we are forced to take this film at face value, a serious space opera, and as others have mentioned, the face value is utterly worthless.

The director is much like a captain on a ship. No matter what occurs, the captain will take the blame (or the praise if the film is good) even if forced to work with sub-standard material and doing his level best to rise above. Perhaps the writers were drunk when they wrote this, perhaps the camera crew were fighting over a woman the entire time. I don't know, all I know is what is presented to me by the director.

In the hands of a truly great director (Ridley Scott for example) this might have been a fun popcorn film, as it was, it was a waste of my rental money.

If, perchance, the director, or cast/crew should read this, do not take it personally, rather take it in the spirit as it was intended: Get some more experience, take the reins a little more firmly, do not be afraid to re-think/re-shoot scenes, and show us what you can *really* do.
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