Review of Q.E.D.

Q.E.D. (I) (1982)
Bring QED back-It was a keeper!
29 June 2008
I loved this series. I got the last episode on tape before I realized the series was long gone. I have regretted not taping the whole series so many times. I'd love to see it revived and get a chance to relive the plots over again. Where can I get a Boxed Set?? This was one program that would stand the test of time. It's a shame to let it go without giving the next generation a chance to see it. It had meat! Some series on TV now are so much air........QED was meat! It's hard to realize that Sam Waterston was the lead. Seeing him in his role of Jack McCoy is so different from the professor. Sam is one of my favorite actors and anything he does is something special.
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