Ben watches Ben # 1
1 July 2008
I generally like French films. I do recall that I liked Harrison's Flowers, which was also written by Didier Le Pêcheur. This one; not so much.

Maybe you think it is going somewhere despite the fact that Ben works in a morgue, and has the usual aberrant sexual habit that one would associate with that environment. Térésa comes in OD'd, nice looking, and you just figure Ben is going to do something. he comes out screaming with his pants down and you know what happened.

OK, his wife has had it. She puts up with his sadomasochism and orgies, but this is just over the top. But, hey, Térésa hangs around. What's up with that, girl? Ben is just letting people float by him like corpses. His life is just a mess, and he's so freaking depressed that he bums me out! I just couldn't handle it. The guy has not heart. You know that thing above your cock and to the left. Nothing there. Depressing. Never gets any better. Bummer.
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