OH, and, yes........there is a kiss----but it's.......
2 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
.......gratuitous (although it is a good lip-lock).

While this film doesn't merit a lot of comment, here're just a few observations---

  • It's cute, it's innocuous and it's in no way innovative. What it does do is reinforce---in a fun way---the principles of standing up for oneself, appreciating the friends one does have and, most importantly, keeping hope (re: that last 2-person scene in this movie).

  • This definitely will appeal to the high school crowd (what's really going' on here---is this just a little different take on the "High School Musical" theme?).

  • Just a thought or two about our leads---Hilgenbrink: a little "one-note" in his come-across (but at only age 23 or so when shooting, and with not much in past filmed performances, he has the greater potential of the two male leads) // Chuckerman: just because you're cute doesn't mean you can act (gonna get in trouble for that one---from the girls, maybe the boys) and gave a rather wooden performance (he was much better at "dragging us into the picture" with his performance in the year 2000 Short: "Crush"). Do have to allow him this, though---the facial expression he gives us, while walking away after "the kiss," was a priceless moment // Aldevina Da Silva's work here was tippy-top above the rest. If there's an award for this sort of thing, it belongs to her.

***If you want something better in the gay teenager mode, try one of these: "C.R.A.Z.Y" // "Summer Storm" // "The Mudge Boy" // "The Last Day"

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