Hearing Nails scratched over a blackboard is more fun
3 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I think I know what happened here. The Baweja's spent so much money on the Australian locales and special effects / animation on the 2050 part that they ran out of money and employed themselves as the story / screenplay writers and also forgot to employ an editor. The result is a movie reeking with inane, hammy dialogue, a story crammed with unnecessary sub-plots and silly twists and turns. And I honestly think they put every scene they shot, up on the screen. They forgot the editor or his scissors

He-man type, extreme sport loving Harman falls for a mills & boon type, pink colour loving, Priyanka who writes a diary, scribbles hearts, and names toys 'Winkydinks' and 'Boo'. Harman woo's her by break dancing and doing all the silly things that work only in movies and never in real life. He also immediately transforms from an alpha male character into a mushy, soppy mass of goo, who breaks into tears at the drop of a handkerchief. Enter an uncle, mad scientist type, who has a time machine, some more very silly twists and turns, and we're off for Mumbai 2050.

There are three glaring examples of sub-plots which didn't need to be there at all  The two kids : firstly I know of no kids like them, they're irritating, try to be cute, are all senti-mushy-yucky and mouth sentences no self-respecting kids would. Secondly, there's not one reason why they had to exist on-screen.  Harman Baweja's Dad – again, the whole father-son relationship thing was unnecessary. The story wouldn't have changed one iota, if Harman had simply remarked 'i'm on my own'and we would've saved fifteen minutes of screen time  The whole Hoshi angle : an unnecessary caricature of a villain they introduced in the 2050 part of the film.

Come to think of it, they could've just shown Harman and Priyanka to be dating already, spared us the whole courtship thing and gone ahead directly with the 2050 part. So whats good about the film ? The locales in Australia are very nice, well-chosen and for a change its not about Sydney, the opera house and Sydney harbour but something more interesting. Priyanka is all pouty, looks decent, even in red hair. And the futuristic animation / special effects are good. Not great, but good and with a couple of nice touches (the Kantabai hologram and the paan-making robot were interesting thoughts). Harman can dance, look good but is overly made-up (the lip gloss is too prominent) and is very bad at dialogue delivery. His character, during courtship, is also shown doing a couple of things which are very silly (getting up while a roller-coaster is moving and stealing a toy) and kids may take up on that. And eets long, this movie, very painful and very long.

I went more for the 2050 part but unfortunately it's the Love Story part that dominates – they don't let go even in the 2050 part and spoil that too. When I first heard the toy name 'winkydinks', my instinct was to get up and run. I didn't obey it and sat through. Big mistake. Big. Huge ! For more reviews, please go to apurvbollywood at blogspot. Thanks
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