A Damn good film-almost a classic
6 July 2008
This film is so good, that you can watch read it a number of ways. It can seen as a critique of capitalism, especially the rise of the oil barons in the early twentieth century. You can also view it from a Biblical angle: What happens when you gain the whole world, and lose your soul? Daniel Day-Lewis proves that he is in a class by himself. His portrayal of Daniel Plainview, the greedy oil tycoon is amazing.Cunning,ruthless and vengeful, this is not a likable man.We watch this forceful man rise from oil prospector to millionaire, brushing aside anyone who will impede him.

The only person who comes close is Eli Sunday(Paul Dano) a Preacher who has his own agenda and tries to challenge Plainview's dominance.You know that sooner or later, these two men are going to have a showdown.

My only quibble is that final scene when Day-Lewis seems to go over the top. Having said that, he more than deserved his second Best Actor Oscar for this powerhouse role.
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