Love Story 2050 is a brilliant movie
16 July 2008
I never believe in critics or believe what I read about any movies unless I go and see it myself but I don't deny this fact that the critics have a great influence on the audience, if someone is eager to see a movie and plans to watch it and someone else says: No.. don't waste your money on this crap, they immediately believe what they hear or what they read on websites or newspapers ( one can stop 100 of audiences to watch a movie and that's not fair 'cause everyone evaluate any movie differently. U say u give it on star but I say it deserves 7). Reviewers, critics won't only stop the audience from watching a good one, but encourage them to see some other movies which r really worthless and crap!

I decided to watch Love Story 2050 although I read on a website a bad review about the movie. I was really surprised after watching it that the director of this movie paid efforts, worked very hard to develop the Indian cinema to the best and created something different. Harman Baweja was given a difficult role to play and he did his best, he just needs more experience. The movie was very interesting, a big production, first half is how the couple meet and fall in love and the 2nd half is about a future conception, robots, other stuff and it gave me a feeling that I entered the future with new inventions, technologies, etc.) The director should have named the movie Love Story 3008 as Mumbai and the world won't develop so rapidly in a short period of time which is 42 years only. I watched it twice in cinema and still want to watch it. So my question is: What lacks this movie?! The direction was perfect and he tried to take Bollywood to a higher level and create a new cinema, a big production, a good performance by the cast, entertaining scenes and interesting songs, so what else the audience want from a movie?! Yes.. there is a scene which irritates, the boxing scene in the 2nd half while Priyanka & Harman playing a game, but it's a one minute scene which doesn't ruin the whole, and every movie we watch we find some scenes which we don't like or accept. Some super hit, blockbuster movies had also many flaws. I think people r so unfair to write bad reviews about someone's work, someone's efforts specially before the release date, a director who spent months or years to satisfy the audience and present a good work, other people come and ruin it very easily within a second! with just one sentence which is: Don't watch this movie.. it's a crap!!
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