Review of Villa Alegre

Villa Alegre (1973–1977)
Hey toocarefull
20 July 2008
I knew Pedrito one of the musicians for the show. They were originally a band, as I recall the band was called Los Quatro Amigos and they were indeed friends. I knew Pedrito who also played guitar and did a lot of the lead vocals. I knew him not long after the show had been canceled. They were living in the east bay area and played at a restaurant in Fremont, California. Before the show they had been fairly big time as Pedrito told it, appearances on the old Hollywood Palace show and all that. They were all very proud of the show and were very let down with the way things worked out.

Sorry to hear about Cheo passing. He was a very nice man, with a great smiling face. I used to take my parents to hear them play a lot, they loved it.

Do you know if Pedrito is still living?
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