It molded me; along w/ a mystery short where juvi hoods rip up a poetry book!
21 July 2008
Wow; You could'a knocked me over with a feather when I stumbled across this listing--This site never ceases to amaze me!

I, too, was profoundly affected upon first viewing this obscure (or so I thought) short subject. I don't remember the year, just that I was attending a "progressive" elementary school (Murdock, La Mesa/Spring Valley, CA). I'm 40 years old now, and like the other "comment-ers" I still think back to this one every now and again; I've even gone so far as to ask several of my film-dork friends over the years about it, to no avail.

Perhaps one of you "Cipher" fans can help me unearth details on another educational short from roughly the same period. Sadly, the title must've been stored in one of the many brain cells i've subsequently destroyed, but here's what I remember:

I guess that the overriding theme of the film is "group-think" and/or the evils of juvenile-onset Sociopathy: We meet a kindly, committed male educator; His favorite thing, other than helping to mold young minds, is his first-edition, autographed (i think) collection of e.e. cummings poetry. Through a series of events I no longer remember (could it have been some sort of 'initiation'?) a small group of his students break in or something and end up tearing up this Prized Possession... All flippancy aside, I really do look back on this as the first introduction to the concept of empathy.

Can anyone help me to identify the film? PLEASE respond here, or by e-mail, as i can't figure out how to join in any reindeer-messageboard-games!

2012 UPDATE: "The Boy Who Liked Deer" was its name!!! Thank you so much for e-mailing me the title of the lost short I just described, 2 different people whose names I forget! You've made it possible for me to find it on You Tube and add it to my YT page/playlists. www.youtube.com/leshaann Thank you!
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