The Hammer (2007)
A really great film
22 August 2008
This film had a lot to live up to for me. I read a lot and had heard a lot of good things about it before finally seeing it. Inevitably, when that happens usually the film can't possibly live up to the hype. This one for me really did. I hearkened back to a time in film making when comedies didn't need gross-out scenes or elaborate sight gags to carry the comedy. The comedy just relied on good and funny writing. This film has it in spades.

First a little jag about the MPPA rating system. If someone could explain to me the, "R" rating, I would appreciate it. It seems to me the only reason - and I'm no conspiracy theorist - for it to carry such a rating is to kill small, independent film such as this one. It has no nudity, no harsh language (no f-bombs or closer), no real violence (there is a little blood in one scene but its surrounded by boxing as a plot point). Really, I want to know, why the, "R" rating. I'm pretty conservative but I would take my 7 year old niece to this film.

This is a romantic comedy. I would put it among the best in the sports-themed category right alongside, "Tin Cup" and "Bull Durahm". This film, however carries a much lighter touch after all it was made for like, 1/5th the budget and therefore carries much more charm and appeal as a result. I will say that despite the low budget it is far from looking like a low budget film. The directing is tight, the acting is very convincing and the comedy is razor sharp.

Overall I would say, if you are finished with the tired and formula driven comedies the major studios are pumping out these days and want to get back to a comedy that is very funny but doesn't have to hit you over the head with over the top stereotypes, sight gags and fart jokes, then, "The Hammer" may be the salvation you have been waiting for.
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