Much better than Godzilla vs Gigan
25 August 2008
Upon looking at my rating of Godzilla vs Megalon you may think that I do not think that this movie is very good. That could not be farther from the truth. THere are great parts in this film. However there are also some parts that make me scratch my head.

This time an evil group of humans who live under the ground called Seatopians are after revenge. They have had enough of nuclear testing that has affected their society. So they send out their Giant Guardian monster Megalon, giant beetle with drill bit hands, to destroy mankind. Also they send men after a robot called jet jaguar that was created by a guy named Goro to use as a guide to lead Megalon to Japan. After stealing Jet Jaguar Goro gets him back and sends Jet Jaguar to monster island to get Godzilla. THe seatopians contact nebula m. space hunter to send for Gigan to set up for a great tag team battle.

There are a lot of things that cause me to scratch my head. First of all Megalon is quite confusing. He is a giant insect but has 4 limbs? He looks OK and has a good roar, but there is something missing. There are times when you can tell that nobody is inside of the Megalon costume. Also Megalon seems to be better at hitting himself with his napalm bombs than his opponents.

Gigan is back. It is good to see him again and this is the last time you see him until Final Wars. Gigan and Megalon make for a much better tag team duo than Ghidorah and Gigan due to the fact that Ghidorah is such a devastating force by himself and the fact that he would need a teammate is ridiculous.

Unlike the last godzilla film, Godzilla vs Gigan, the fight scene in this film is well done. This is how a tag team battle should go. There is lots of action and not any times where you have to wait for something to happen. However this is one of the few times where Godzilla gets no resistance from his foes and seemingly could have beaten his foes without jet jaguar. Overall a great fight though in terms of action.

Stock Footage is used again. Yeagh if you read my previous reviews you can probably tell how I feel towards Stock Footage. However in this film they mainly only use it for destruction scenes. There are a few times where Gigan falls down onto a bridge, taken from Godzilla vs Gigan, despite the fact that the monsters are fighting in the middle of a plain.

Godzilla shows up a little late in this film. Jet Jaguar in many ways is the main character of this film, leading me to view this one more like an episode of Ultra Man or ZOne Fighter. However I would rather Godzilla show up for a little bit of new footage than to just watch recycled footage of him from previous films.

This film is a comedy though. The way that the fight goes on can not be taken serious at all. This is the film in which Godzilla glides on his tail to kick Megalon right in the chest. A great move that makes me laugh my ass off every time I see it.

Jet Jaguar used to bug me more than he does now. However, how in the hell did he come up with the ability to grow to the size of Godzilla? When he does this during the film his creator mearly goes "Oh wow. He grew to the size of Godzilla, I did not know he could do that." I guess if I made a robot and he grew to be the size of Godzilla I would react differently.

There are a lot of cheesy lines, flaws in physics, and some stock footage. However this is definitely better than Godzilla vs Gigan and i recommend it. IT may not be great but at least it is fun and sometimes that is all that matters.
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