3 September 2008
A very interesting documentary about a misunderstood or maybe misrepresented man and presidential candidate in Ralph Nader. Now I have never been a fan of most of the politics of Ralph Nader, his stance on environmental issues and his mostly liberal leaning views have never agreed with me. That is not to say that I do not agree and side with Nader on a few other issues, for example his beliefs in campaign reform and something this film makes very clear, the desperate need this country has to reform it's whole election process, especially the dominating two party system that will continue to keep giving us more of the same every four years. This is not to say that I did or would ever vote for Ralph Nader, in fact I didn't and am grateful to Nader for any votes he took away from Al Gore. I was surprised to learn of all Nader had done in the automotive industry and how hard General Motors had tried to stop Nader, that is proof that money is all that matters to major companies even if it puts their consumers at risk. So, yes I greatly respect Ralph Nader for all the good he as accomplished and all the boundaries he broke down in his presidential runs but I do not stand behind his politics, at least not all of them. One thing I did absolutely loved about this film, when they showed Nader's campaign rally at Madison Square Garden and all these famous celebrities, Susan Sarandon and Michael Moore all singing the praises of Ralph Nader and singing the praises of real change, wow how quickly their true colors show, Nader goes onto loose and they turn on him just like that. Typical liberals, so passionate about something one minute and then not the next, say one thing do another.
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