Miss this Disney special...
9 September 2008
Totally agree.. But i love the talking pumpkin better!!! I have to watch it but on you tube because i still can not find this video any where!!! it is the best to watch during Halloween, even now that in in my mid twenty's i still watch it and would love to show my niece's and nephews what we used to watch when we were kids. but it is not the same.. :-( It would be so nice if they were to bring it back BUT THE ORIGINAL ONE NOT SOME NEW ONE WITH NEW CLIPS... For years I have been trying to find this video and hope that it would come on t.v again but nothing. Me my brother and sister would always watch it, and i could just clearly remember the talking pumpkin!!!! with the many different Disney clips, like the Gorilla that escaped from the zoo and chased after Donald and his nephews though out the house, or the clip of the Sword in the Stone!!! Oh and the Headless horse man... PLEASE BRING THIS GREAT CHILDREN 'S TRADITION BACK FOR OUR NEW GENERATION!!!
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