That's My Weasel!
18 September 2008
There are bad pilots that become good shows... there are bad pilots that become terrible shows. And then there is the pilot for "The Mike O'Malley Show," a project so ill-conceived, so derivative, so uninspired that it can only be described as still-born.

The plot? Mike is a man-child living in a house with his man-child buddies, one of whom is a house-bound stoner/slacker named Weasel. In case you couldn't tell, Weasel's the kook! You can tell because he's scruffy and unshaven and says "Dude!" a lot. But wait, there's more... At the ripe age of 33 Mike suddenly "realizes" that maybe girls aren't icky and it might be time for an adult relationship with one of the prettier ones. How do we know this? Mike stops the show to talk into the camera and tell us this, never cheapening his monologue with a joke or insightful observation. Is this camera-confessional a bad plot device to connect massive holes in the pilot or a mind-bogglingly clichéd segment we'll see in every episode? Yes.

After a few more "Dudes..." and a flashback Mike shows up at the wedding of his best friend as a sign of support (for growing up?) and runs into a girl he once dated and who is now destined to become his on-again/off-again, cliff-hanging, love-triangle sitcom soul mate. And in case you couldn't see that coming, Mike turns to the camera and says something like, "This one's gonna be something special." Yuzz. This show was the definition of going through the motions... how else can you explain a pilot in which no one seems to believe the show will become a series? No one bothered to give the characters last names! This show was a filmed surrender, the contractual obligation of O'Malley's development deal at NBC. He should be ashamed of this clueless, apathetic effort but I don't believe he's capable of shame.

To prove he had no talent Mike went on to do seven seasons of "Yes Dear," a sitcom so insipid, so backwards that the producers allowed him to wear sweatpants and a baseball cap on his head to cover his shame. Only one other episode of "The Mike O'Malley Show" was ever broadcast and then it was yanked like a subway strap. My only regret is that the show didn't air long enough for Weasel to become the breakout character he was destined to be... there's always hope for a spin-off: "That's My Weasel!" It has to be better than this.

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