Just saw it at last night's Bangkok Film Festival and I LOVE IT!!
24 September 2008
I saw the film last night at Bangkok International Film Festival and, god forbid, I like it. I mean I thought I would be scared or find it disgusting or something like that. But I'd like to try zombie/gay film (as one of my friend called it) for once. Actually, the first time I have heard of the film, I'm interested. But when my friend who already saw it in DVD(something pirate, I'm sure) told me a brief summary of several scenes in the films, I'm not sure anymore whether it was the right choice to buy the ticket. However, already bought it. already came up to the theatre on seventh floor. So, let's try it.

In the first horror scene on the road where Otto did something with the rabbit, I saw several people stood up and gone off the theatre right away which made me wonder..was that beyond their expectation? But after the first 30 minutes has passed everyone seemed to be happy and have a lot of fun watching this. Manys (me included) laughed on a lot of things in the film.

Personally, as a person who always wants to see such beautiful touching thing in the film and always avoid this type of movie, I found it really disgusting (ha ha)..and yet memorable. I love every single word spoken out of the female director's mouth. (Big applause to you, Bruce.) And I love Otto character. He reminded me of myself sometimes ago.
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