It Shouldn't Happen To A Vet
24 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Whimsy is as good a word as any to describe this entry from Jacques Rouiffio, a fairly undistinguished Writer/Director with some 13 more or less mediocre 'domestic' movies on his CV. Michels Serrault and Piccoli are two middle-aged and distinguished members of the Acadamie Francaise more than susceptible to the nubile charms of young females such as veterinary surgeon Juliette Binoche who confides over oysters that her brother-in-law has offed her sister. One reaction might be to ascertain that Binoche actually had a sister married or not and if so did she die in unorthodox circumstances but that would waste time and half the fun is in watching the two would-be suitors squabbling over the rights to Binoche whilst trying ineptly to help. It's not going to make anyone's top 100 Best Films list but it is entertaining.
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