Review of The Cave

The Cave (2005)
Worth watching on television, I wouldn't buy it though.
4 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'd heard that this film wasn't great but decided to give it a go when it was on television; while it wasn't great it wasn't terrible either. To enjoy it don't go in expecting a horror film but treat it as an action-adventure film, after all it is only a 12 certificate.

The follows a group of explorers as they investigate a cave system found under a ruined church deep in the Carpathian mountains. As much of the system is flooded we get to see plenty of underwater action as well as climbing and crawling through tight spaces. Rather too soon after entering the cave they discover that they are not alone in the cave as there are strange creatures in there with them. When examined these creatures turn out to all contain a parasite that seems to cause them to mutate. One of their party is attacked and causes an explosion that blocks the way back forcing them to move deeper and deeper into the cave to try to find an alternative way out. Inevitably they end up fighting more creatures as they go and when the group's leader is injured he is infected by the parasite and as it starts to effect him he must struggle to keep control of himself.

The under ground scenes look impressive for the most part if a little too well lit. There are quite a few inconsistencies along the way; one moment they are swimming though water the next they are out climbing down ice and the next they are in another cavern which is full of flames due to burning methane.

The acting wasn't bad,the monster effects were pretty good and the underwater scenes were great, it is just a pity it didn't have more scares. It is also a shame that it was released at the same time as "The Descent", a much scarier film also set in a cave. I'd only recommend this to younger viewers or if there was nothing better on television.
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