Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride (2006)
Season 3, Episode 0
Good Episode
12 October 2008
I really enjoyed this episode, despite the technical TARDIS errors such as detailed by a few other people who've commented. I think we have to accept that this kind of programme is never going to be completely flawless and get on with it otherwise we just ruin our enjoyment - there's just too much history over the decades for it to be absolutely perfect.

This episode saw the end of Rose and a brief interlude with Donna, the dippy yet feisty bride, picked up in error by the Doctor. Personally I found her to be quite good fun. I always found Rose to be a bit drippy and Donna certainly wasn't that. I know I'm in a minority here, but that's tough, I quite liked Donna - this could be because I haven't been living in the UK for a few years and as such haven't been subjected to a Catherine Tate overload like the rest of the population!

The only problem I had with this episode was that it was supposed to be Christmas and was quite clearly shot in the middle of summer! But there you go, like I say, you can't have everything.
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