Review of McVicar

McVicar (1980)
Wally Probyn
16 October 2008
I do not see peoples strange fixation with this film. Are people not aware of what an evil sick child molester that Wally Probyn is? I was one of these man victims, he repeatedly raped me for four years from the age of 7. He also used to take indecent photographs of his victims for his sick pleasure. I got to know what a conniving cowardly man Wally Probyn was and he certainly does not deserve god like status. Wally Probyn was convicted at The Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) he received a 4 year sentence for abusing his step daughter, I was a supporting witness, but I was put through weeks of police interviews, taken to places where he had abused me and had to look through 1000's of indecent photographs this man had taken of other poor young children some were severely mentally disabled. This will haunt me forever. Every time this film comes on to TV I feel sick, he had a long history of paedophilia back from when he raped his own 3 year old sister.
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