Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1980 TV Movie)
Not impressed
30 October 2008
Silly me, I actually purchased this version of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" without knowing it was a BBC presentation. The real drawing power here was that David Hemmings was the lead and I couldn't wait to see him in the role.

Now, I might be severely lacking in sophistication but I usually find these BBC versions of famous movies extremely boring. They're pretentious, fake looking and usually very drab. For the most part this movie was no exception.

I did like Hemmings's performance, especially when he transformed to Mr. Hyde and wasn't wearing all that aging and weight make-up. Hemmings was a very good actor who didn't get too many good roles during his lifetime.

As for "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" I'd recommend either the Spencer Tracy version from 1941 or the Michael Caine version by David Wickes.
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