Started out pretty decent actually--ended with a bang.
31 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A very bad bang. I'm not talking bang as in, WHOA! THAT WAS FREAKIN' AWESOME! kind of bang. I mean bang as in: What the frick?

I didn't expect much from it. I mean, come on: American horror films for the past say, four or five years have all been pretty lame. Even before that they weren't that great. And seriously? Girl's parents sell her soul to the devil and when she turns eighteen, she basically belongs to hell and she's trying to stop it? *spoiler* and her mum tries to kill her and she's super traumatized and thinks she's going insane, blah blah blah. Her mother gets out of nut house, blah blah blah. Dad doesn't believe her, blah blah blah. *end spoiler* How unoriginal is that? Because basically, I just summed up the whole thing. But look here! There's a movie that actually made me jump a couple times. Sure, it wasn't that scary, but I guess it was pretty decent. The acting was rather...crappy. Haley Bennett has her moments, and I actually feel like Chace Crawford wasn't good enough. Which is sad, because I'm quite a fan.

I feel like... the movie was rather flat. The story line doesn't really hit a climax until the very end--and this is where it really ticked me off. I'm sitting here thinking, Hey, this movie isn't that bad! And then *spoiler alert* girl turns eighteen, realizes she has been betrayed, she's trying to kill herself so she doesn't have to kill her father, and then WHAMMY !

Suddenly the screen blacks outs and wowza, Molly Hartley (Bennett) is graduating and Joseph Young (Crawford) and her are exchanging goo-goo eyes and stealthy smirks.*end spoiler* Uh, okay? How exactly does this conclude the whole story?

Wait until it comes out on DVD or television--and rent it from the library or see it for free, because frankly, this wasn't worth my money or my sister's.
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