Review of Supercar

Supercar (1961–1962)
Satisfactory, Most Satisfactory
9 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, not really. Gerry Anderson's first pukka supermarionation series was pretty short on special-effects. It was the puppet characters themselves that provided most of the entertainment.

Mike Mercury as pilot and hero was about as bland as they come. Jimmy was a doting young twit. But Doctor Beaker proved a real character who was never quite as smart as he thought himself. Professor Popkiss was the real brains of the outfit.

It was the height of the cold war, so no experimental wonder-craft could go unnoticed for long before foreign agents took an interest. And so, larger-than-life shaven-headed 'Masterspy' set his sights on stealing their secrets and sabotaging Supercar, ably assisted by his weaselly, Peter Lorre-like sidekick 'Zarin'. Interestingly, Masterspy always referred to him as 'friend' Zarin, and never 'comrade' Zarin; though the name and their accents left you in no doubt as to their origins.

Only for Anderson fans and collectors now, and not a patch on 'Fireball', 'Stingray', 'Thunderbirds' or 'UFO'.
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