Katie and Id, Ego, and Superego
13 November 2008
I'd like to comment on the different affects that Katie's environment had on her throughout the movie. There is an extreme link in Katie's behavior that alludes towards the theory of id, ego, and superego.Id is characterized by the basic survival instincts and ego and superego form towards the stages of maturity which consist of knowing the correct way to conduct your behavior and superego regards morals and such. We saw that she had not yet developed the ego or superego, because she lived on a survival instincts alone. She lived solely to survive with no regards to other people. She didn't have any socialization to rely on and she was alone about 23/24 hours a day. When she was first rescued from her home she had very primitive communication skills like grunting and using gestures with her hands. The theory that feral children can not learn a primitive language after going through puberty was proved true in this specific case. She was however able to keep all the speech she had already learned. You can see in the movie that if sign language would've been encouraged more she could've been much more successful with learning. Katie had already learned how to communicate without speaking so giving her a new venue that others knew as well would have helped her throughout her lifetime.
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